MommySnacks has a great link to coupons! CHECK IT OUT!
MommySnacks has a great link to coupons! CHECK IT OUT!
Posted by Jenn at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: coupons
Here are some great recipes!
Posted by Jenn at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: recipes
What is a GMO??? It is Genetically Modified Produce….info about GMO’s HERE. When shopping for produce if the PLU# an “ 8 “ is the first number it is a GMO food. So for example “ the 4 digit code would begin with an 8.
Non-organic bananas are 4011 and organic are 9401, so GMO bananas would be 84001. HERE is a great website to learn about organic food and everything that has to do with organics.
Posted by Jenn at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Go HERE to get some links to Organic and Natural Products
Posted by Jenn at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: coupons, slimming down
Yep, you heard right! This mama is tired of being fat unhealthy! I need to set an example for my son and any future children I might have. Before I started all of this I didn’t keep pop, ice cream, cookies, etc in the house, so getting rid of that stuff isn’t a problem because it isn’t there! So my problem is fast food! I love loved sonic, McDonalds, and my all time FAV Chick-fil-a…I am pretty sure I could eat chicken biscuits for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
But I have had to limit those easy fast food runs. If we think we need to eat out we go to subway. My 4yr old loves it and so do we! Also financially it is a money saver, because we aren't spending $30 bucks on crap. Instead I can take that $30 and get a few meals out of it and they are HEALTHY and FILLING, not just fried and full of junk.
I recently watched the movie FOOD,inc…I HIGHLY suggest watching it! It has changed the way we eat. I know buy my chicken from an organic farm, the chickens are free range and SO good(to eat). I order my chickens from HERE.
I am by NO means a health nut I just want to be healthy and SEXY, but what woman/mom doesn’t want to be? I started trying to lose weight the end of December and I have lost 13.2lbs, WOOT! I am already starting to feel better about my self and it is nice that the wonderful love handles have started going away :) I quit snacking late at night and going to bed around 12 instead of 4am…getting up earlier and I feel better. My goal is to get lose another 15-20 lbs. I know I will never be 110 again but I can at least be 125, right? I have done the diet change now I just need to get in the swing of working out. A bunch of my close friends have started doing the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels, well I keep saying that I am going to start it and just haven’t. So today is my start day! I will write everyday on how I feel and what I ate. I hope I can inspire some of you! Start out small! I still crave chocolate and if I want some I eat a 70 cal sugar free choc pudding cup. It hits the spot just enough, I am also chewing ALOT of gum! Here is a great website you can use to track your calories…it is COMPLETELY free and SUPER easy to use! Hope you all have a FABULOUS DAY!! I will be posting links to some websites and useful info…
Posted by Jenn at 9:31 AM 2 comments
Labels: slimming down
Heaven to Earth Photography is excited to announce a partnership with Think Pink Photography. Think Pink Photography was founded in October 2007 to support individuals and their families who have been touched by breast cancer. We are a charitable organization that serves two main purposes – celebrating life and supporting the cause.
Through our professional photographer network, we are helping breast cancer patients to celebrate life with charitable photography sessions. Individuals may choose to document their fight against the disease before or during treatment, or prefer to capture their victory by scheduling a session within 12 months after treatment is completed. Photographers world-wide are now available to donate time and talent to celebrate life and support the cause. There is no cost or obligation to the breast cancer patient. Clients participating in a Think Pink Session will receive a complimentary photo session, as well as a set of 10 small prints from the session. They will also receive a discount on any additional portraits they wish to purchase, although there is absolutely no purchase required at any time.
To support the cause, we have partnered with The Eric R. Beverly Family Foundation. All funds generated through donations and various fundraising efforts are paid directly to The Eric R. Beverly Family Foundation. As a 3-time breast cancer survivor, Danielle Beverly and her husband Eric joined together to form a foundation dedicated to promoting education, increasing awareness, and providing support and resources for families who have been touched by breast cancer.
Please subscribe to our blog (on the Think Pink website) and tell your friends and family about Think Pink Photography. Awareness is everything and we can’t be successful without you.
I encourage you to view our website, make a donation, or hire a photographer that supports Think Pink Photography! If you hire me, mention Think Pink and I will make a personal donation to the organization. If you, or someone you know, would like to schedule a Think Pink session, please contact me for details.
I am very proud to be a network photographer with Think Pink Photography, and am anxious to get the word out about this amazing program.
For more information, you can contact me, or you can visit the Think Pink Photography website at:
I am SUPER excited to be a part of this organization! If you know someone with breast cancer please contact me or have them contact me.
I hope you all have a FABULOUS Valentine’s Day!!
Posted by Jenn at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: photography
Here are some shoots of my son when snowed a few weeks ago.
We were stuck
at home so why not go out and play!
Posted by Jenn at 10:46 PM 0 comments
My Dad turned 50 a few weeks ago and my mom gave him a surprise birthday party at the local bowling ally.
The plan was to have Gannon ask to go bowling for Papa’s birthday and Papa agreed but later decided to go on Saturday so
he could watch the football game.
So they went bowling 2 days in a row.
Gannon loves to bowl and actually bowls a 150 on the wii, lol
Obviously that isn’t what he bowls in really but he did bowl and 83 with the bumpers up.
Posted by Jenn at 8:47 PM 0 comments
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