weekend fun!
This past weekend my company Heaven to Earth Photography had a contest and after I was done shooting at the park Kyle & Gannon came by to play…we went on a dinosaur hunt and was looking for a chickasaurus…kind of like a chicken and dinosaur combined? We found the “wishbone” to the chickasaurus and also found its “hip bone” and “teeth”. The “wishbone” was a large branch shaped like a wishbone, the “hip bone” was a giant flat rock and the “teeth” were part of a concrete curb that was chipping. I love Gannon’s imagination! After the walk we went to our FAVORITE frozen yogurt place, formally known as ORANGE TREE it is now PEACHWAVE?? I guess there was a trademark conflict. It is like a Cold Stone, but BETTER! It is frozen yogurt and the cheesecake is my FAV! There is all kinds of fruit, cereal, granola, candy and other toppings as well as fudge, caramel & cherry syrups. It is cheaper then Cold Stone, you only get how much you want and you put as many toppings on it as you want and it is …..33 cents and ounce. We usually spend about $6-7 in there…we would have spent $15-20 at Cold Stone for ice cream we wouldn’t even have eaten.
We also finished Gannon’s headboard…we (meaning ME) got the plans from here but built it in a full size.
I didn’t add the fabric board to the inside because I think I want to put cork or magnets up there, still not sure yet. Here are some pictures from before I stained it.
Because we rent we aren’t allowed to paint the walls. I like the animals but not in his room, they scare him and they don’t match. So I am hanging white fabric on the wall with the most animals on it. It isn’t my fav idea but it covers the animals up!
The headboard took about 2 hours, that includes sanding and Gannon helping me. It cost about $70 but we bought a higher quality wood to stain and needed nails and glue. If you ever need plans for furniture make sure to check out “Knock Off Wood” she makes FABULOUS plans and explains everything!
I have about 10 more things I want to build but need room and $$$ to do it!
It turned out GREAT! You are so talented.
Thanks! It is FINALLY stained but isn't as dark as I would have liked...oh well
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